Clichéan clichés cliché.
as a cliché was clichés
made of all the clichés
The Stocks are just another Business Game:
Don't Invest what you can't afford to to loose
The Stocks can be both a Whore and a Lady
who makes you drunk with their booze.
it's a cliché repetoire,
of recognizable clichés.
but repeats the cliché :
It might be a One-Night Stand: Everybody Did It:
and it's called a bubble and usually just suck
If you don't know what you are dealing with: Don't
because she could be your lifes worst fuck.
It's a cliché of clichés,
"this cliché is different
but it's still a cliché!"
The Whore could also be a Lady in Disguise,
those Stocks - which nobody wants to touch,
She Fucks around - but is sophisticated enough
to make ends meet funds, re-invest and blush
As it's said differently
is it no different cliché
than to dislike clichés
The Thing is that - Economics - are alot of Fun:
Investment Models and some Common Sense;
Fortunes can be made and Fortunes are Lost.
It's Real-Life Monopoly, Do You Risk it, Hun?
Cliché it on the cliché
in clichéan language
a cliché of clichénds.