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The Domain Not Taken



Two domains and one opportunity -
   and sorry I could not take them both
and be one marketeer, long I stood
  and looked at it and wanted both
to where it split the revenue model

Then I saw the other, and just as fair
   And having perhaps the better name
Because it was aged and personal
  Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that business equally lay
  In this decision I was yet to make
Oh, I kept the ideas for another day!
   Yet knowing that I had to choose
because I would never come back -

I shall be telling this with my revenue -
  Somewhere on the internet - just me,
and two domains diverged in an opportunity, and I -
   I took them both as a business idea
and branding has made all the difference -


Inspiration: Robert Frost, The Road not Taken

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