Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.
  it's very factual with the coffee as it dehydrates and not even rats will drink it voluntarily. The rest is distractions. What it has to do with politics ? - Everything really. Because there's competitive, opportunistic and machiavellian ones who will poison opposition or critics in any way they can get away with. You could also use Alcohol or Drugs or .. Wait, that's pretty much "modern" society.  

The Convoy Bait





   Coffeeless life :
a clearer mind with slower,
  slow thoughts,
not even rats would drink it
    their instincts
are superior for survival
  listen to them !

The art of the magician is to wave
  one hand while switchin'
with the other, leavin' a convoy
  all on a line - look!
and then the attack comes from
   the assistents.

   Barren lands :
as a desert it spreads out
  into habitus
as the fire which roasts it
    does it scorch
the mind and its motions
  of strange fish.

   All varieties :
the same beans dehydrate
  where rivers
and waterfalls and oceans
    should have been.
the toxicology of nature
  is an obsession,

Divisions divided, four flanks
  going around
the main target, like a crab
we're completely surrounded",
    bitch, please.

   Fleeting by :
the ships of de-conscious
  but drown inside
the drop ; became a pond
   a river, a waterfall
an ocean which floods over
  their habitats.

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