Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.
  Always remember history is very complex. The real danger is glorification and/or humiliation. Then we repeat all of its tragedies instead. No matter which position or narratives you're coming from.  

The Archiepelago of Denmark



  Kafkaesque trials, you're accused
but it's too secret to tell the politicians
  who makes the laws of the land;
Though immunity from prosecution is
another, for both politicians, diplomats
  and Royalty, it's so complicated
when it comes to charges of treason,
  for there are concerns of national
security, a delicate balance of powers.

  Yet I wonder, if some organization
has not become a shadow government instead
  controlling the pieces on all sides
and layers of the four-sided chess board..
Rules for thee, not for us - a charge
  can ruin a career with a Machiavellian
move, or was it one of upright honesty?
  I would say the first, for if its in the news
it's all the same shit over again.

  In that case, it's no longer a country,
but an exploit, all laws are void and null
  for governance is not to be abused.
for if a group positiions their own
agents and use it for their convictions
  through the security apparatus
and use the media as a propaganda tool;
  then only power and force matters,
and the public is unarmed; so they laugh.
  That's the archiepelago of Denmark -
unlike Russia, it won't surive the Banks

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