Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.
  It's always interesting to notice what was believed to be facts, and excellence in arts, and where the humour really is.Unfortunatly, if this poetry wasn't just the silly ramblings of a toothless loser with a barbie fetisch,, it would disprove Darwins Theory of Evolution. They are making "Carbon Emission Free Zones" so everybody has to replace their cars and borrow even more money. So here's the Poor Pussy Edition of it.  

It's Like Facts and Shizzle.



zero emission mobile


  When everything is a joke
is nothing taken seriously,
   is it only distractions ---

   It's as Shakespeare was
a show for commoners --- laughed
  at by the aristocracy,
is it studied, analyzed --- today,
    as deep and complex.

  The question becomes
was people smarter then
   or did we turn stupid ? :

   Ethymology of Vikings
as Gentlemen wrote of --- love
  would the 'women'
rather have brutes --- bulls
    was it coined then.

  But it was none if it,
and nothing was serious
   until it became facts !

   The earth is round !
but it's soon flattened --- again
  it's only a matter of
making it a joke in the --- show
    soon nuff' : 'twas as that!

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