Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.

Baby Stroller Roulette





Playing that grand piano --- Ping, Ping,
      It's LiEk ArT! - I swear,
only wonder then --- how lil' it is,
  what remains of humanity.

"For the children" they told me
with baby strollers on parade
"You just have to be creative"
Sure, bitches, here's an idea:
   Let's play barrel roulette
with your pussies and the babies

Paying for the propaganda --- Ritz, Ritz,
      It's lIeK sHiT ! - I swear,
only wonder then --- how lil' it is,
  what remains of humanity.

You get two guns, one is loaded
  the other one is blank
which one goes into where?
  Tough choice isn't it
that's how it is--- to be a man.

Painanal for the porn star --- Whip, Whip,
      It's LiEk SeX ! - I swear,
only wonder then --- how lil' it is,
  what remains of humanity.

Luckily for you, I never told you
  which kind of guns so
here's a water pistol for you
  now suck my dick
and fuck me until heaven cum.

Pleasure to be of service --- Blimp, Blimp
      It's LiEk Me! - i swear,
only wonder then --- how lil' it is,
  what remains of humanity.

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