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Bimbos trippin' at the stairs
  like high heels
clasping against wood,
  and on the hide
spread out on the floor,
  the scent of her
perfume lingers behind
   in the boudoir.

"So Confident!"

Cloth is dropped as pieces
  in a pile in front
She's a domina until she
  gets dressed
then it's back to obey
  or she'd slip
while the gentlemen
   went up first.

"Be Carefull!"

We're all so very nice
  until we get
too tired of the femme
  gangster bitch
dressed up to impress
  so hits a string
of blue eye accidents
   and slippery slopes.

"The Not So"

Barbie isn't so obviously
  a little dull really ;
the bimbos never get it
  and hit a bar or
an art reception to meet
  the right account
instead of person to have
   a family with.

"Art is Hard"

As bimbos slams Balenciaga
  as blank pages,
but Barbie recognizes
  the real artistry :
all the neglect and abuse
  from the babysitter pills
of guilty conscience :
  Devil is in the details
    as a distraction.

"Criminal Charge"

Because that gangster shit
  hits a barbie,
like a door in the face :
  "How about no
to the drugs and alcohol ;
bimbo bitch botox surgery
  for sugar daddy
and crime riddled cities
  for a back alley blow. "

"Keep the change"

We're only missing designs
  of Mommy Barbie
taking care of the family
  and Barbie Grandma
with wrinkles and rollator :
Dolls aren't replacements
   for parenthood
and excuses to be absent
  as pigs to a parade.

"Fuck off, thanks"

They hate that conservative
  high class style
of modesty for a luxury
  because even
Toothless can afford that
  Barbie style
of the finest couture
  and designs.

"The codes"

Bimbos made complex codes
  to destroy it,
but it was all ignored.
  It's the hide
you walked on and then
  it was pulled
because all that poetry
  was for Barbie.

"Why oh why?"

Because she likes poetry
  instead of look
at my ho's and bitches
  nigger meth den
of multicultural gangbangs
  and blank pieces
of fatherless children.
  nobody cared for.

"Piggy Tails"

It's not fucking Shakespeare
  because those pigs
ran a revolution of gags
  and all the pearls
was crushed by the cloven
  feet which trampled
the artists and poets into
  a meaningless void.

"The Book"

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