Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.

Enough of This!



For both Ancient and New territories
   remember ye the lands
where storms of dust and sand
   swept the barren lands,
where once lush forest with myriads
   of species and plants
  had been.

For to take from Edannah it reclaims
   when too little remains
the Phoenix rises and basks it wings
   "Enough of this!"
overreach turns into a famine as
   ecosystems and weather
  patterns change.

Then species and variants emerged
   in humans, one too many
for in nature all is but energy
   to be transformed.
It is all described in the Holy Books
   the changing of genes
  mix of species.

Then the Flood for Earth could not
   sustain the Nephilim
yet the [Removed Line]
[Removed Line]
   [Removed Line]
[Removed] and bound in pledges to keep
   the lineages of Humans
  in natures order.

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