I was covered in your favourite -
like chocolate poured over
our corpse to make three souls
into one for nourishment;
a rare cousine served for us.
Was it feelings or feedings or both
did we slip into dreams together
only to find it became our reality
and suddenly we meet - again
after we politely said goodbye.
You wanted to know how it is to
be a man - and I for a woman
but you forgot to invite me home,
because we don't need a date.
We both know there is no return.
I seduce you over and over and
then you seduce me when
I can't seduce you anymore -
until we're both exhausted
of what was done to eachother.
I never come home after that -
I only make you sandwiches,
which are like pieces of art -
while you use me as you like,
because I like it when you do it.