As they try to make the internet
into the next television,
is it then abandoned as we
already have that.
Speculators, elevators
on the markets, stocks, bonds
interest rates, conversions,
options and shorts :
Skimming profits
into out of reach "Biblical Talent
slamming deficits,
on risk profiles Was currency"
But billions, trillions
could buy nothing of interest
as nothing was made but
the same, shame.
All initiative Talentless ho'
killed by systems
of socionomics "I Got Tits"
out of boredom.
As it was all copyrighted to the point
where nobody can use it,
even write a sentence, make a design
play a song or use a recipie,
was all distributions rights also taken
from the content creators,
was it made public domain owned
by the corporations instead.
Maculator, speculum
as a paper dildo for the anal
as everybody used
bots'n loots.
Can't force Copyists ran
artistry - it takes
generations : Out of Inks.
in one is it lost.
As billions, trillions
had given up - repeat lines
but the result wasn't
the same, shame
For the hounds Only Copies
chased the next hit
but there was Remained.
nobody to make it.
Congrats, twatsies
you own the entire "conemy"
but so very little
does ever come out of it.
As robots crawls and index
was made profits
of the others made available
became disallowed.