To abandon faith
is only to realize worse awaits
for many are they
whom talks, walks and pretends
they believe, believe
but only to be forgiven for
their transgressions.
Envious glares
to play a game of shells realize
not the pearl is the knot
to flip the table doesn't matter
they raise it again,
but to walk away and change :
To be a creator instead
They change not
their ways, but it is not a cane
but the sliding knots
as slippery slopes unravels,
there'sonly injustice.
the real cross is the majals
to be passed on.
For as teachings
they are from father to daughter
from mother to son,
and between sister and brother :
we could build a Taj Mahal
but love, love is trust - none do
but to chase treasure.
None guards it
as all exploits, conflicts it became ;
know not whom
neither friend or foe might be then,
not even family or home,
as all ressources was used on
drugs'n smugglin'
Yet whom to trust ?
There we walked too, only to see
it taken stone by stone,
for it's not appreciated but to
play their game of shells
'n only contempt oraries was made
as it destroyed faster.
Hope too has
diminishing returns until quits
it doesn't return grace
and as a tomb it becomes while
they run circles outside
of increasings risks to flaunt
fortunes un-earned.
Recognize it ?
The world as it's set before you,
Christ refused it for
a fucking good reason too,
and you don't have
to believe when the answer
was already decided.