Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.
  It's easy to take a jab at somebody else for prostitution. Yet to sin is to deceive both self and others. Naturally it's also viewed from the perspective of my own concept of sex for art works which is also prostitution but the payment is not in money - but in trophies, exclusive rights and obligations - but it also makes the customer a prostitute in the process of it no matter their social position as their money is worthless in this regard and they have to be in a poor lil' pussy position briefly and whore out for it.  

Tramp Stamp Poetry


  tramp stamp poetry  

   It's called sugardating
but is prostitution afraid to be found it.
  as a tramp stamp of it

   It sounds lil' sweeter
but is so very salty. but that's the point
  for it's what they are.

  To be a whore
admit what you are to
  be filled out
for all the discretions
  is a mail opener.

   What does that make me ?
Prostitute without customers then.
  It's a new art form.

   Payments for artistry
in naturals, can only be claimed
  bareback real life.

  Stamp me with it
As my dick prints are left
   on the internet
but they're invisible
  by hands held.

   But while waiting for it,
are higher quality as for the deeds
without the sheet.

   If I have to give it up,
so do you - it's a risky exchange
  for the originals.

  Classy Ass Couture
I'm such a little tramp for it
   but you can only
imagine the pleasures
  behind it.

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