If I was to miss you, I must have known you first
but we never met, never talked, wrote
or whispered,
and never did we see, touch or smell,
even listened - ;
but why then --- do I remember you ?
If I remember you, I must have known you first
but then I miss you for the abscense
of not knowing
whom you and I were, as unknown
as we both were
Do you also think now - as I, of it ?
If we are but thoughts, as different as is,
then I know you, now, as the thought
and I miss you
for another thought took its place
and I stray from it,
only to linger and grasp it then !
If I can grasp you - you must also be real
and not a thought - but bound into
these verses then
as an existence, as a soul and spirit
is birthed to flesh,
but is that you or I - or us both ?
If only I knew you - but I do, and do not
I only remember I miss you so
and you must too ;
then also my thoughts must think of Me
as was engraved
over temples once : Know Thyself.