Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.
  Background is two different stories "Scott Adams" - and "Kanye West" , but there's so many similar - but it's not "famous" people so it rarely hits the news. They're simply shut down and ruined for it. Racism is only to recognize the difference and put pride in your own race and family.. It never needed to be a conflict, but as per usual others would pit one against the other and exploit the conflictations. Which is why multiculturalism never works out and why we have different countries.  

Congos Kumbaya



Cartoon world of empty stripes
  Career race only matters
with a future for your children
  speak of the discrimination
and blatant censorship of it to see
  how they react to ruin you
as a Mandela is all but revealed :

Take that Freedom of Speech
  to an empty bank account
Your cards are all blocked out
  nobody will hire you for
a chirp of criticism of a system
  which wants you dead.
Yo "White Lives Matter Too"
  That was only the start.

Hundreds suddenly remove it
  but that's conglomerates
of news nobody buys no more :
  America is the new Africa,
only missing the burning tires
  of Kumbaya Communism
where Laws doesn't matter.

Original Chess had four players,
  and more pieces to it
Yo bro', it ain't black against white
  for whom is playing tunes
to have us murder eachother
  whom owns the Congos ?
a race to Game Over - Play Again?
  Race, Race, Race, matters.

For the Corporations are now
  your Owners - you are
without privacy - only consume
  what they tell you to eat
One wrong commentary you
  are shut and stomped
by the hatred of race veiled ;

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