"My Dearest Rumi,
if you only went mad for three days
during a month - be blessed !
To see possibles, and not a puzzle,
is raving ramblings of madness,
in its endless theorems and ideas.
As all (in)finite planes and puzzles
are we struck, not with flatness
but the possibilty of movement by
what may sprout in its lines,
Was it a weed or a seed of life ?
Depends on the garden you are
the barren rock, the desert
the moist --- by consciousness
of language of this'n that
there's no mathematics of it.
The education of mind decides,
not by observation or senses
but the concepts of language for
what it was to begin with :
was it wasn't until more or less."
Inelligible scribbles
P.s : High Sandals are fashionable in this day and age. You would have absolutely loved them !.