Whoredom for a Lowly Priestess.
As for liberty or justice is
only what is made of it by its people
from Revered and Holy was
until into dusk wet streets was cast - :
As temples once stood
did they crumble beneath the claws
of exploits and shortcuts
until nothing was made but that.
We hit the menu at the brothel
as the stained regalia --
yet no prayers are made in there
Is fate the same - or as a Lady slips
would you help her up
to regain honour as once stood
besides her priesthood
for as Enheduanna once weeped
over the defamations
too joy in her eyes can be lit - :
In songs she once lived,
There's innocence in a slut too.
for nothing is Holy -
Became as empty as Mé - it is
as what it needs to be.
Question is where would you start
but from the scratch
then only realize - : the scratch
would be taken from you
as a mockery - then you do it too :
and nothing is then made
but to see your country perish
in the divisions deluge :
Blowjobs'n poetry: Fuck You Too.
Its a diplomacy variation
human to a point :
"Nothing was on the floor"