If you would truly know - Buddhism
or any other religion :
Be as a mother and as a father
whom with a child is.
Illumination is only to sit with it
for it needs you both
and all departure is to abandon
the future and past of it.
Unwrit was our forbidden love - unspoken,
in ethers it was as a remniscence
and we were all five,
for the two of us were so many
in our equations
that the result was off the charts
and the teachers
said we failed even if it was correct.
As soft as tips, is its soul on lips set
by invisible hands :
There we are as parents to it :
It is smaller than us.
From it civilizations comes
and are destroyed,
is either missing four a kiss
was nine then set - :
Undone was our existence - unloved,
the only memory which remains
was the divisions
of into thousands that none
of the original
remained ; that we'd both shift
into eachother
as numbers missing in eternity was.
Still-born : without a name it was
into earths moistness
is soul reborn in another then
its spirit remains.
For it was kissed in the womb
by the songs we sang
which as kisses we on belly lay
was it given identity.