Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.
  When you notice not only the barren minds around you, but some of the causes of it and equally recognize the effect it has had on yourself. So you take slow rehabs as there's so many sources of it often served by people whom does not have your own peoples best interest at heart.  

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   The poisons, poison
for damnation was disguised.
as an infectious elixir served
    as it slowly creeped
slithered, became part of habitus
     into brains took roots
    to wither it out.

Amygdala calcification
   of barren minds :
as a desert it spreads out
   into habitus
as it dried out is it roasted
   Fleeting by :

   It weeps, it weeps
as tears from hearth never reach
the glands in the corner of eye
    as emotions flew
was it then destroyed, lifeless
     as a body on the ground
    in stillness lay.

a clearer mind with slower,
   slow thoughts,
the same beans dehydrate
   where rivers
and waterfalls and oceans
  sprouted once.

   It bleeds, it bleeds
as from a wound beneath the skin
it cannot close, it cannot heal
    but to be pierced
as a gushing spint it comes out
     then as droplets, drips out,
    is poison cured.

The toxicology of nature
   became culture,
as drops ; became a pond
   a river, a waterfall
an ocean which floods over
   their habitats.

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