Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.
  So after the initial disaster with the rocket duckling there was a great length of debate and discussion. Which was summarized into something along the lines of Part II and III - which is the pricemaking process in itself - the same way thoughts and consciousness is created, which then forms the base of coinage as an exchange of promissary notes. In my personal case - it's sex for artworks - which creates a promissary note - but the price in real currency is first determined if a third party is allowed to buy it - it could also be its never sold - but then it is treasured by the owner instead.  

Fuck me for my Art



As for all artists - always be single
   for others only use you then
as an art provocateur - but it's not
  but to make money instead.

As a rat collective - but only one
   is convicted for its misdeeds,
the rest gets away after the sale
  and leaves the costs of repair.

As for all fame - it came after for
   artists care for their works
as it takes so long - longer than
  they could ever be paid.

Part II -
As for my concept is the same,
  I only refuse the coinage
as the price can't be settled by it
  It also comes after the sex.

For it is high treason to refuse
    the coinage of the land -
It comes not with a fine - but jail
   for a lifetime instead.

But at the base of all coinage is
   to honour the pricemaker
as the union in the bridal chamber
   Art then too is the Royals Coin.

Part III -
I'm a man - so there's no demand
   but what comes with it then - ?
The customers cared enough too
   to pay - most intimately

The customers can sell or use both,
   after we both sold ourselves,
and their customers then know - ;
   what was it worth --- then ?

I do not know or care as it was,
   I only got what couldn't
be bought or paid for - Love
   with an expiration date.

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