Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.
  As my subscription to Adobe, with which this website was made is due to expire, and I actually like to be honest and pay for the things I use as far as I can afford them, then I must also forfeit further work, There's much I would have liked to do - but without any reciprociality there's no purpose. Enjoy !  

Expiration Quirps.


  its like tools cost  

  As tbe tools expire
with which I have made this
   available to others,
that they may know, not me,
   but the shadows of it
     which remained.

I am struck with grief for
   it was my talent
even if others have more.

  I do understand
it's a business model of rents
   but it can't be paid
without an income from it
   or atleast appreciation
    in other forms.

Yet people only claw and snout
   into my private life
and then mock and stalk me.

  So I have to stop
even for the missing parts,
   but I have nobody
to trust as they only come
   to me in angles
    I can nevermore.

As a raven once quirped -
   It doesn't do it
again - there's silence.

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