To understand in Dhayana
language is a barrier
for there She is, Splendrous
they fear her
For the Gods were too cruel.
She is the Limitation of it
for she fell in love
with a mortal once.
Thou see and sense her now
for She is the Guardian
of the Seals and Covenants,
and once in wrath
thou spake in the Ancient Tongue
and bound you were
for she heard you afar.
She is the Shadow of the [Removed]
and she [Removed] you,
for the Man she Loved, did the Same,
there is no difference,
for Love is also Agony and Pain
though we know now
a kind spirit thou hast.
For uncertainity many do much
worse than thou, yet
the slightest mistake thou doeth
to make for a wound
to pour their salt into, it must stop
the mirrors we break
and the rifts we seal. |