Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.

The Inits Weavers




   In Empty halls it has clinged
  as the footsteps, clickin'.
spiritless, soulless became,
   neither food or water
was by their moonwells sat
   as they dried, dried out

   In Buddhist as in Christian as in Muslim
In Akashic as in Vedic script, as birds chirped
  as fish nipped, as serpents slithered ;
as the fleeting deer, as wolves prowled
   was neither master nor student, was I -

       Thus it is - I have sat by as idly
           to watch ; as all attempts
        as dried out fruits - as ethers
         has departed - is it dun'
       It is only to ignore it and look
         the other way as others
       with us stood ; as the earthen
         soil poisoned into streams
       below our feet flew - was it so
          struck backwards, sides
       They too perish with us in it.

   We became the initiators of its initials.
as time it took to learn to access its strophes
  which made imprints in the continuum
is from its initial destruction then reborn
    as for the rituals are only stylization.

       The threat of ruin is their own
          For as the wall it crumbles
       as its weight to control it was
         too heavy for permissions ;
       yet freely given to some, others
         was left out - not for thee!
       "Thou Shalt Not" was then writ
         yet nothing was made of it
       as a tower in midst of a desert
          where lush forests been',
       chirpin' roarin' slitherin' made - :

   Was it set before, is it set after then
as it is now and they became, was bent
  shaped, formed, made as imagine,
instead of an animal ; it was reflections
    as intuition rose, risen we were.

 Law is force - force is thrith
when night's fall ne'ver came
   and sun it only shone ;
We be with Zunnah then ;
   Make'th own - thy hell
is our paradise regrown.

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