Thus she rides in me,
as to protect a nest " Heavens doors are Hells gates "
is laughter and vigour poured
take only yours
not what is not - not - not,
to make for prey
instead of prayers - Ey am thus : " Softhearted, not splashed! "
The systems they were taught will be
their own undoing as it depends
on the decisions others made but they
are manipulated, harassed by it,
provocated, terrorized, but is only
to replicate agency.
The false conflictations created
is narrative for an act
where reality cease to exist,
is driven off-edge.
Chase not - make'th it.
In the twilight dyed " I am not I - but as thus; thus "
were we both - to Theirs twin'd
to make a fourth
it became fifth, sixth, seventh
zero'eth in Heirs to be
as fertile soil is ,She's as this : " Shy, modest as is "
The mystery hits mittens as elegance,
yet they understand it not,
it was just something beautifull,
in a pile of dildos.
I'm only sad I never had or made a family,
but in our position it's not possible
to transform it into we, as society falters
as language is dissolved in codes,
remote controls, triggers and psycho
logical paths to exploit.
Ey as Pries'tess became
leapin' backwards " As barren rock it bloomed "
as Baal'n Anath'a, it'was plowin'
into moist womb,
as in the soil was the seeds
imprinted, planted
as by Holy Spirit was begot : " improve'nvice "