There is a story of a Buddhist monk
whom in love once fell - ;
"into a Bridge I would turn for a thousand years
that she may walk across me once"
I am not as such - not a monk -;
I'm not this or that - ;
" I am the river it was built across, was I there
for millenia before and after "
Such is my love for Humanity - ;
That all Lovers may
then return to this mortality : " I am the land
the entire earth encompassed "
" Whom are you then - now ? "
As immortal as Mé,
As the monk whom once for loves sake :
"I will always return for you"
Gentle are her footsteps --
As she walks across
then stops - " I knoweth thee as Love "
" For thou it was " writ on it.
Addendum : And Earth Spake Again.