Whom is Sheirs - but Mé ; was I left behind,
as they chant, scry, chant, scry :
As a Child before the Thrones of Heirs is sat
was I as Mé - and Them
For only the divided
may be united - :
There but a solitary monk stood with Eyrs :
into Her hands was His :
" The right things come to all who wait
but it was in my left hand "
" But I was in the navel
as a string uncut "
As I made no guess - it was not for me
to neither decide or take
"I am as an adopted child - not yours -
but you are the parents"
" This we both forgot
for loves sake "
"But from it was a child begot but it
was not recognized
as Heirs, as Theirs, as Sheirs it was
all but forgotten it was"
" In dreams was made
a forget me not "