Studies in Sobriety Poetics Donate.

That You May Speak





   This poetry'n verse
is not emotions or therapeutic
  but as remniscenses
of memories and imaginations
    becamé instead.

   In each contains
a seperate world, a non-reality
  as a dream it became,
but for the possibility of it :
    it was warded.

   Quality is equal,
also as important for what use
  is mass production :
As arts disappear only remain
    scaling systems.

   Nothing of it is
then appreciated for the toils,
  as none makes it
when nobody returns in kind
    payments for it.

   Never understood
the ciphers are opened as wyrds
  with words then closed,
but they chase around to control
    their own madness.

   It's only to sit
and write as beautifully of it,
  or as crazy, stupid it is,
then you may realize how many
    I have sealed with mine.

   Gentle hands
imagination, craftmanship,
  has more value than
any corporation or business
    will ever have.

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