Breathe, breathe
for I am the bridge on which
you walk across
Into your hearths did I flow
as oxygen to streams.
Ye, I am Pranayama
it is no excersise but to step
gently, gently
for I am made of the ropes
of your arteries.
Into musculature
do I come as spirit and soul
for movement
yet consciousness comes
from the hearth.
It is all for brains
it only calculates a number
not the reality
which came from the wyrds
of ancestral wind.
Breathe, breathe
for your breath doeth too flow
over us as Shú
for those whom makes path
of lakes beyond.
For to be buried
with an empty hearth ascends
the spectres
all poisons doeth flow into
the earth instead.
To be burned
into wind blows it cannot
escape, as wraiths
it haunts until it returns
empty handed.
Ye, walk ye gently
upon this immortal plane
for all not said
is poured out in da'ath
all done so it too.
Breathe, breathe
for at the crossing bridge
stands a bride
and a maiden into a crone
it turns on you.