It is as such for alchémie
as a hybridization
I do not know enough of it
to mix ingredients,
a lifetime of studies it
requires to do :
I made dinner today
It was one of the best I ever had
even if by accident
the ingredients were strange
for half-made it
into a third.
Yet when we
are both entwined
I can only leap ;
as when we
are in the fullness
of our fury
do we breathe a
bridge across
But as our stories
details were left out of it
to make room
for the doubt and wonder
which ignites the
creative spark.
Yet when we
are not together in it
I cannot move ;
as we did
for you are not on
either sides
I cannot leave it
behind us :
But when we
do so entrice crowns
it does flourish
as roots grew
so gently, elegantly
we walked
across the abyss
below us.